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Roosevelt Spanish Dual Language

Address: 4029 28th Ave. S.

Grades: 9-12

Principal: Christian Ledesma

Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.

Phone: 612-668-4800

Fax: 612-668-4810



Get to know us
Roosevelt High School partners to develop the skills students need
Located in South Minneapolis’ Standish Erickson neighborhood, Roosevelt High School offers students high-quality arts and academics with a characteristic focus on social justice and community service.  Our welcoming and inclusive community provides rich social and emotional learning.  As Roosevelt is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, all ninth and tenth grade students participate in the Middle Years Programme (MYP).  Juniors and seniors can take courses in the IB Diploma Programme (DP) or the IB Career-related Certificate Programme (CP) through which they can earn credit toward degrees beyond high school.  Through our Career and Technical Education Center, students can gain real-world skills and experience in auto repair, construction, welding and healthcare.  Our Spanish Dual Language Program motivates students to develop critical thinking skills and use their creativity and bilingual abilities to build a more just and equitable community.  Roosevelt students graduate driven to serve, equipped to lead and determined to positively impact the world.
Magnet school description
Magnet Schools

Citywide magnet schools welcome students from all neighborhoods across Minneapolis. Magnet schools provide innovative programs focused on specific themes such as the Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), Dual Language, Montessori, and Global Studies and Humanities.

  • IB Middle Years Programme (IBMYP), Careers Programmes in Health Careers, Automotive Technologies, Construction Trades (IBCP), and Diploma Programmes (IBDP)
  • Spanish Immersion Dual Language Program
  • College credits through AP, CIS, PSEO, and others
  • Career prep classes in automotive, construction and health 
  • Arabic, French, Immersion Spanish, Heritage Spanish, World Language Spanish 
  • DCD and life skills programming
  • Mainstreamed and individual EL services
  • Athletic and after-school activities

Transportation: High School Go-To Pass

Student Race School District
Native American 0% 5%
African American 8% 35%
Asian American 0% 5%
Hispanic American 57% 14%
White American 35% 41%
Students School District
Receive ELL Services 21% 17%
Qualify for free or reduced lunch 54% 48%
Receive Special Education Services 5% 15%
Need Help?

English : 612.668.1840
EspaƱol: 612.668.3700
Soomaali: 612.668.3700
Hmoob: 612.668.1840

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

1250 W. Broadway Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Ph: 612.668.1840
Fax: 612.668.1841

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Davis Center
1250 W. Broadway Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55411
