Students' caregivers are welcome in our schools! Contact your school office for details about school conferences and open houses.
Find out everything you need to know about MPS schools
Learn about your school options at the free School Finder Fair, Jan. 11 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Minneapolis College. Free parking, food, prizes and fun!
Placement notification letters mailed, time to complete registration with your new school.
The January 31 school request lottery due date has been extended. All requests received by end of day Sunday, Feb 9 will be considered on time and will be included in the first round of school placements.
Magnet school requests received by April 1 will be included in the second lottery. Following the first lottery, in-area community school requests are processed as they are received.
If you have not yet completed school registration, please connect with your school today.
Complete your transportation request to ensure bus transportation by the first day of school.